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Thursday 24 September 2015

Childrens Health

So I'm sitting in the doctors this morning, and anyone that lives in this village will know just how bloody annoying that is, its like sitting in a field.....pointless!
Normally you wont get out of the doctors for at least 2 hours, but this morning went much faster which I was impressed with.  I managed to get Harrison a second opinion for his issues.  I wonder how long we have to wait this time to be seen at a different hospital.  What is it with doctors? Do they think because they are a specialist that means they know your child better than you do? This time I wont be as laid back as before, I will let them know my opinion!
No one wants there child to be ill but when someone says to you, "everything is OK" you want to come away from that person feeling satisfied that your child is healthy. Well I'm not satisfied.

Are we ever satisfied?

Putting your faith in someone else when it comes to your children is a massive thing. When the girls were babies I feel I was a lot more relaxed with things like this, but with Harrison I'm a bloody nightmare. I don't even like people going near him. This strong emotion inside me starts to bubble and I get really over protective.  When we are at baby group if another child goes to touch him I'm staring at that child willing them to move away. In the end I get up and move Harrison.  Is it because hes a boy? Our bond is different than I had with the girls, and god do I feel bad about that, I love my girls more than anything but there's something different about my boy.  He turns me to mush and anyone that knows me knows I'm bloody hard core. As I sit writing this he is staring at me with his big beautiful eyes  and smiling because he has one hand on the wires he's not supposed to touch.......little shit
Oh and there goes the speaker in his mouth....

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